2023 USTC Future Scientist Exchange Program (FuSEP) International Summer Camp

2023 USTC Future Scientist Exchange Program (FuSEP) International Summer Camp
Science and Technology for a Shared Future

USTC Future Scientist Exchange Program (FuSEP) is a pack of incoming programs initiated by USTC with the aim to bring excellent young scientists all over the world together to exchange ideas for solutions to present world challenges through science and technology.

To assemble the best minds across the land, FuSEP International Summer Camp, a two-week program, is organized to immerse students in a multi-culture, multi-disciplinary environment to explore how fantasy technologies enlighten our world. We invite undergraduates all over the world to join us for a series of colloquiums on cutting-edge topics in physical sciences, chemistry & materials sciences, biology& life sciences, artificial intelligence technology, and stories of China and Chinese culture.

Sunday July 9th — Sunday, July 23th,2023
Hefei, Anhui, China


  • Physics and Nuclear Science
  • Mathematical Science
  • Information Science and Artificial Intelligence
  • Chemistry and Materials Science & Life Science and Medicine
  • Engineering Science & Fire Science

Apply: https://usep.ustc.edu.cn/

Application Deadline: April 10th, 2023

Target Group
Full-time sophomores, juniors, or seniors of relevant disciplines in science and technology fully registered at overseas universities are welcome to apply.

How Do You Apply?
Please submit your application form to one of the discipline summer camps at:
Please choose one sub-camp only.

Monday, April 10, 2023 (UTC/GMT+8)

ที่มา : https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/XJHk4IlrmNxbLG-Q4Z-r8g


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